We're looking forward to Monday's organ recital by Greg Morris. Greg is organist at the Temple Church, London, and also has a link with us as the son of the Revs Geoff and Anne Morris.
The reeds and topmost notes of the organ were definitely not sounding as they should last Sunday. So the organ tuner is here at the moment to prepare the instrument for Monday.
Greg's programme will be of English music including Orb & Sceptre by William Walton, Miniature Suite by Ireland, and works by Purcell and Whitlock. The recital is part of the Leamington Festival weekend.
The recital commences at 11.00am and will last for about an hour.
The reeds and topmost notes of the organ were definitely not sounding as they should last Sunday. So the organ tuner is here at the moment to prepare the instrument for Monday.
Greg's programme will be of English music including Orb & Sceptre by William Walton, Miniature Suite by Ireland, and works by Purcell and Whitlock. The recital is part of the Leamington Festival weekend.
The recital commences at 11.00am and will last for about an hour.