A Vision for All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa
Our mission at All Saints falls under three headings:
Growing Community
Growing Generosity
Growing Holiness
These are both our aims and our values. Your thoughts are welcome (below) as to how we flesh them out more effectively.
Growing Community Some people are attracted to church in order to become part of a community. That's increasingly important in a society of fragmented relationships, high mobility, and families separated by long distances. but the community of faith has always been a significant part of church life. We seek to grow community in a number of ways: primarily of course through the worshipping community, gathering at various times during the week, and if possible meeting after worship to socialise. The Cafe is also an aspect of community growth, offering a place of hospitality and welcome to those who come and establishing a community presence in the church during weekdays. Thirdly, we try to encourage and support others who are building community in the neighbourhood.
Christian faith is relational, a reflection of the essence of God the Holy Trinity, one God who is three Persons in relationship: God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. God invites us to participate in the community of divine life and our efforts to grow community and to grow as a community reflect our understanding of God.
Growing Generosity Generosity of spirit and of life is the practical expression of love and service to others. Some people are attracted to the church in order to participate in its work of generosity towards the poor and needy; and many secular charities rely heavily on church members for their volunteer base. We aim to encourage generosity in all respects, as a key part of our ethos and as part of the ethos of our town. NightLight is one expression of generosity undertaken as the church; the response to special appeals, the steady support for the Food Bank, and of course the sustaining of the life of the church itself are others.
Generosity is based on our understanding of God's generosity to us, arising out of self-giving love. Our call is to follow the way of Jesus who exemplifies a generous and self-giving life, following his way and doing whatever we can by word or deed to love our neighbour as ourself.
Growing Holiness Holiness is the spiritual life which we seek to inspire and nurture, the 'religious' life of prayer, worship, study, reflection, and so on. Some people are drawn to the church in order to seek God more fully, deepen their spiritual understanding and express their love for God through worship.
Holiness is based on our reaching out to God in awe and reverence. The awareness of God may come especially close at times of new birth, of suffering, or of bereavement - but we can respond to God at any time, and set out on the journey of faith.
Growing Community, Generosity, and Holiness Each of these three strands is important, but by itself is inadequate. Each one is a doorway through which people may enter the life of the Church, but the fullness of Christian life is where they intersect and are held in balance. They are the interlocking circles of a Venn diagram; mature faith is when we are at the centre, but faith may be lived out anywhere within the area.
How do we develop the community, generosity, and holiness of All Saints?
Would you be kind enough to submit your thoughts below?
Please fill in as many of the boxes as you like. Thank you very much.