On Sunday this was expressed through two special services: the Eucharist and the Advent Carol Service.
The Eucharist began with a procession, as the Choir sang the Advent Prose - traditional words used during the season: 'Drop down, ye heavens, from above; and let the skies pour down righteousness.' The church was filled with incense, representing the offering of our worship rising to the presence of God. Traditional hymns included 'Lo, he comes with clouds descending', with an inspiring descant to the final verse.
The Advent Carol Service was based on the theme 'Looking for the Light'. Atmospheric hymns, readings, and choir items provided plenty of food for reflection.
St Paul reminds us that much in our experience will pass away, but three things will last for ever: faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. Those are the things we cling to during this season.
This window depicts figures representing Faith, Charity (=love) and Hope.