Today is the feast of St Margaret of Scotland, whose name means 'a pearl'. Jesus said 'The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.' Just as a pearl is dirt or irritant which has been transformed, so by God's grace, our own areas of uncleanness and struggle can be transformed by God, bringing beauty and value to our lives.
That was the theme of the simple Communion service at Seasons Restaurant in Warwick Street this morning. We come from various churches and denominations, and worship together in the town centre twice per month - and have done now for several years. Afterwards we enjoy one another's company over a cup of coffee. Come and join us!
That was the theme of the simple Communion service at Seasons Restaurant in Warwick Street this morning. We come from various churches and denominations, and worship together in the town centre twice per month - and have done now for several years. Afterwards we enjoy one another's company over a cup of coffee. Come and join us!