Left Out In The Cold: Life On The Streets
People & Organisations involved
All Saints’ Church is proud to have hosted a two month programme of events during March and April 2014 focusing on the plight of the homeless and those living on the margins of our society. The ‘centre-piece’ for these events - and a catalyst - was a moving sculpture entitled ‘Charlotte 22, Robson 46’ by a young London-based artist, Ginnie Morris (which had been displayed at Coventry Cathedral until the end of February). The Dean of Coventry, the Very Rev’d John Witcombe, saw it at a degree exhibition in London: “It is strikingly beautiful, but portrays such vulnerability and need, but also companionship. In its beauty and the way it leads the mind and heart to reflect on the needs of others. I encourage everyone to see it if they can.” Ginnie Morris graduated from the University of the Arts, London, in 2013, and this piece, made from plaster, watercolour, wax, polystyrene and PVC, was created for her Degree Exhibition held at Wimbledon College of Art. ‘Charlotte 22, Robson 46’ plays with the disciplines of relief, painting and sculpture, whilst encouraging the landscaping nature of drapery to suggest and describe form. Through exercising a three dimensional interest in the expressional use of polychromy, Ginnie articulates an awareness and sensitivity towards the topical issue of homelessness in London. We are particularly grateful to all who took part: